
    • Kontakticon
30.01.2025 | ONLINE EVENT (TIME CET) Verpackungslizenzierung

The basics of packaging licensing - The beginner's seminar by Der Grüne Punkt

For anyone new to packaging licensing. Online-seminar in English.


Will you be responsible for packaging licensing in your company in the future? Are you an online retailer, start-up or small business and want to place your goods on the market in compliance with the law? But have you only heard about the German Packaging Act and producer responsibility in passing? No matter why you need to familiarise yourself with the topic of packaging licensing - our holistic beginners' seminar "Fundamentals of Packaging Licensing" is the right place for you.


Experienced experts of Der Grüne Punkt explain how the dual system and waste separation work and provide information on the legal regulations and the service package of the dual system Der Grüne Punkt.

The seminar is organised in three parts:


  1. Part: The dual waste disposal system - how does the sorting and recycling of packaging work in Germany?
  2. Part: What are the important legal regulations of the packaging legislation? Which packaging is affected and who is the legally obliged party?
  3. Part: What does system participation mean? Which online tools make it easy to participate in the system of Der Grüne Punkt? After signing the contract: What functions does the online customer account offer? What are the deadlines that have to be met?

After the presentation in English language, you will have the opportunity to ask your questions.

About our speakers:


Maike Hartung is in close contact with customers on a daily basis and knows the hurdles for "newcomers" in the field of packaging licensing.

Antje Kauffmann has many years of experience in the international sales department of Der Grüne Punkt. She informs you about the German and European legislation and knows what is important for you.

Time CET

Please note that the time for the start and end of the event corresponds to Central European Time (CET).

The cost of attending this live online event, including conference documentation in electronic form (sent to you afterwards), is € 99 per person plus VAT. The link to the event will be sent shortly before the event. The booking confirmation will be sent by e-mail.

No legal advice. 

The organiser reserves the right to cancel an appointment due to a lack of demand or for an important reason, in which case the participation costs will be reimbursed.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Susanne Ziegler
Phone +49 2203 937-465