Nestlé executives visit TriPlast

The international technical and packaging experts learned about the state-of-the-art technology of what is currently the most modern sorting plant for packaging waste in Europe.

News Bild [Translate to English:] Nestlé-Führungskräfte besuchen TriPlast

Nestlé, the world's largest food manufacturer, uses a wide variety of packaging in many countries to get food safely to its consumers. It is important for the group to be informed about the state of the art in collection, processing and recycling in order to be able to optimally design its packaging, including in terms of recyclability. During their visit to the TriPlast GmbH sorting plant in Ennshafen, Austria, the executives gained a comprehensive insight into the sorting processes and technologies used at the plant.


Jürgen Secklehner, ARA Plus, and Andreas Kappel, Der Grüne Punkt, gave them a tour of the facility and explained how the used lightweight packaging collected in Austria and neighboring Germany is sorted by material type. “We have a long-standing partnership with Nestlé in packaging recycling and it was a great opportunity to present our approaches to sustainable recycling of used lightweight packaging,” said Andreas Kappel. ”We are convinced that significant progress in sustainability can be achieved by working with companies like Nestlé.”