Top events in autumn: experience recycling live!

Sorting of lightweight packaging, processing of flexible packaging plastics - the Green Dot allows a look behind the scenes.

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Register now and secure one of the limited registration opportunities: In October and November, the doors will open in Gernsheim and Eisfeld for seminar participants interested in the sorting and processing technology of packaging from the yellow bag and the yellow bin.


Anyone who has always wanted to see what route the packaging from the Yellow Sack and Yellow Bin takes after collection can do so on 11 October 2023 in one of the most modern sorting facilities in Germany: Green Dot will take you to the Meilo facility in Gernsheim near Darmstadt. Experts from Meilo and Green Dot will explain the state of the art in sorting technology, impressively comprehensible through the subsequent plant tour. A concluding question and answer session rounds off the tour.


And anyone who would like to find out more about how sorted flexible plastic waste from household collection at Green Dot is turned into new, single-sort LDPE recyclates of the Systalen® brand should attend the exclusive event at Systec Plastics Eisfeld (near Coburg) on 7 November 2023. Thanks to state-of-the-art plant technology and continuous innovations, Systec Plastics Eisfeld GmbH has been regarded for years as a leading competence centre for the recycling of flexible plastics, from which, for example, shrink films for beverage containers can be produced. However, you have to be quick, because this informative compact seminar is limited to 10 participants and will only be offered once this year.


Online seminars on topics related to the circular economy


Our face-to-face events complement the well-known wide range of online seminars for the second half of 2023. The Compliance Check on German packaging legislation will be continued so that fines and warnings can be avoided. With regard to EU packaging legislation, the focus is on the PPWR, the draft of the European Packaging Regulation and its current status. How the fund principle works within the framework of the German Single-Use Plastics Fund Act, who is affected, what additional costs will be incurred by the responsible producers from 2024 and more is the topic of the corresponding web seminar.


Those who attend the all-in-one Design for Recycling seminar will then have an overview of policy requirements and insight into the draft of the European Packaging & Packaging Waste Regulation and know what makes standard packaging a good recyclable packaging and how Green Dot can support this.


Especially for newcomers to packaging licensing and those who want to refresh their knowledge on this, there is the beginners' seminar "Basics of Packaging Licensing". Experienced Green Dot experts explain how the dual system and waste separation work, inform about the legal rules and the service package of the dual system Der Grüne Punkt.

All seminars are held in German only and are subject to a fee. Documents for the online events will be made available afterwards. Here you will find an overview of all topics and the possibility to register directly.