At our in-house training events for the fields of “packaging development and marketing”, you will obtain comprehensive insights into how packages are sorted and recycled. Together with our engineers, and duly referenced to your packages with appropriate practical examples, the design-for-recycling criteria for a sustainable package are explained, mapping out how they influence sortability and recyclability.


The workshop is rounded off by a visit to a sorting plant or a facility for further plastics processing, and gives you valuable insights into the modern-day closed-cycle economy. We will be pleased to put together for you an individualized agenda, tailored to your own packaging portfolio and your intended participants. 

Our offers (fee required)

Workshop with excursion


  • Introduction: How do collection, sorting and recycling of sales packaging in Germany work?
  • Excursion to a modern sorting plant for lightweight packaging, container glass or paper/cardboard
  • Joint analysis of your packaging solutions


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In-house workshops


  • Event at your company with all employees responsible for packaging
  • Introduction to collection, sorting and recycling of used sales packaging in Germany
  • Joint examination of your packaging solutions
  • Weak point analysis and optimization possibilities


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Open webinars


  • Our experts provide an in-depth introduction to the topic
  • Explanation of the German minimum standard "recyclability"
  • Exemplary analysis of packaging solutions
  • Information material and further links


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More about Design4Recycling