Now after all: "Yellow bag" for Switzerland

Switzerland is planning a nationwide collection and recycling system for plastic packaging and beverage cartons. For a long time, the country had rejected a collection system for packaging waste.

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As part of the "Collection 2025" project, more than 70 organizations along the entire value chain from producers, brand owners and retailers to recyclers and disposal companies in Switzerland are working on a circular economy for plastic packaging and beverage cartons. The major retailers Aldi, Coop, Denner, Lidl and Migros, among others, are actively involved in this. The aim is to introduce a harmonized cost- and eco-efficient and customer-friendly recycling management system for plastic packaging and beverage cartons.


To this end, a Switzerland-wide collection bag is to be offered in the future, featuring identical colors, sizes and messages. In addition, a uniform pricing system for the whole of Switzerland is being examined, according to Swiss Recycling, the umbrella organization of Swiss recycling organizations.


Financing of the collection and recycling system would be secured through bag contributions, contributions from distributors and recycling revenues. All costs from collection to sorting to recycling would be covered.


By 2030, recycling rates of 55 percent for plastic packaging and 70 percent for beverage cartons are to be achieved.


Further information on "Collection 2025" and the "Letter of Intent" with the ambitious targets for a Switzerland-wide collection and recycling system for plastic packaging and beverage cartons can be found here.


Picture: Pixabay