All sales and secondary packaging that typically accumulates as waste at the private final consumer after use is considered to be packaging subject to system participation.
This means that it must participate in the collection and recycling system of a dual system. The most important questions and terms now need to be clarified. Who is obliged? The producer or manufacturer of goods or the retailer?
I participate all packaging components (sales and secondary packaging) in the collection and recycling system of a dual system, in which I deliver the goods to the retailer and which typically accumulate at the final consumer via the retailer. Any packaging components that the retailer adds to the system must be included by him.
I participate all packaging in the collection and recycling system of a dual system in which I pack my goods and then send them to final consumers.
The regulation for dispatch packaging is particularly important for online retailers! These (e.g. shipping bags with or without air cushions, other envelopes, shipping cartons, filling material such as polystyrene chips, cushioned cardboard or bubble packs, tissue paper, stretch films, bubble wrap, foam films, parcel tape, delivery note bags, straps or corrugated cardboard) are also subject to system participation and must be registered.
If I deliver packaged goods to traders in Germany, I am generally obliged to participate all packaging components in the collection and recycling system of a dual system that are passed on to the private final consumer via the trader if I am legally responsible for these goods when crossing the border. If I export packaged goods from abroad directly to private final consumers in Germany, I am generally obliged to participate this packaging including the dispatch packaging in the collection and recycling system of a dual system, if I am legally responsible for this goods when crossing the border.

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